Obesity & Arthritis
How do you correlate obesity with arthritis? Well, obesity is counted as an astoundingly prevalent disorder, seen mostly among people who become a bit reluctant towards their health. They prefer eating all kinds of junk food without doing enough exercises.
As per a fresh study conducted, it has been found that the epidemic of obesity is linked to the rising incidences of rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory arthritis and a kind of physical condition which can become more painful with the passage of time. If you don't take care of the disorder within time, it might reduce your mobility in the long run. However, in extreme cases, the condition can also make you completely bedridden. The worse part is that you have to face the wrath of the disorder after the condition advances with time.

As per a fresh study conducted, it has been found that the epidemic of obesity is linked to the rising incidences of rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory arthritis and a kind of physical condition which can become more painful with the passage of time. If you don't take care of the disorder within time, it might reduce your mobility in the long run. However, in extreme cases, the condition can also make you completely bedridden. The worse part is that you have to face the wrath of the disorder after the condition advances with time.
Fat is composed of chemically active substances known to release proteins and become the cause of inflammation. They have the capabilities to transform the existing inflammation to the full blown disorder (if not taken care of). Fat cells are also known as adipocytes that profusely release proteins (cytokines) all the time. These proteins, if released in excess tend to cause more severe inflammatory changes and further lead to the full blown disorder.
It's also been revealed that extra fats tend to release more pressure on your weight-bearing joints. The inflammation produced due to RA is enough to cause erosion in joints and the effect even gets compounded by excess body weight.
Like diabetes, arthritis can also be managed with proper diet. There are, in fact, some healthy eating practices including some foods (vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish, olive oil and legumes) beneficial to manage the disorder to an appreciable extent. The disorder has a major fallout in the form of joint pain. The sensation of pain happens mainly due to the inflammation. This is the reason why such foods are recommended to manage the disorder.

Like diabetes, arthritis can also be managed with proper diet. There are, in fact, some healthy eating practices including some foods (vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish, olive oil and legumes) beneficial to manage the disorder to an appreciable extent. The disorder has a major fallout in the form of joint pain. The sensation of pain happens mainly due to the inflammation. This is the reason why such foods are recommended to manage the disorder.
As per the new findings, there are so many factors that ignite an onset of the disorder including a patient’s height, weight and more. It’s quite a common to know that RA first impacts some body parts (hands and feet) and finally affect your ankles, hip and shoulders.
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