The heart is not just an organ but also an amazing muscle. The organ simply acts as a pump to provide blood to the entire body. The organ performs its action by adjusting to the pressure and flow of an entire blood volume. As per figures and facts collected in U.S, the leading cause of maximum mortality rate is because of heart ailments. It's been revealed that almost 40% casualties among people between 65-74 years of age in US are from heart diseases.
Do you know that your heart can beat over 1 Lac times a day? Well, it's capable of pumping almost 1800 gallons of blood through entire blood vessels. If these blood vessels are stretched, they can exceed up to 60,000 miles.
Do you know your heart performs a miraculous job on a daily basis? As you grow older, it compensates by adjusting to the age. It sometimes has to compensate for building up an arterial plaque as it has to work harder to get the blood flow through blood vessels. There are a number of foods to take care of your heart health. It's recommended to eat the right stuff to protect the most vital organ of your body. Please find below some foods recommended for your heart's health:
- Blueberries- These are one of the best foods to take care of your heart’s health. This is because blue colored fruits specifically contain an antioxidant by the name “anthocyanin”. It’s highly recommended to manage your cardiovascular system. In addition to this, they also contain fiber and vitamin C.
- Oats- Oats are generally recommended to lower down the bad cholesterol or LDL levels and also keep the arteries clear. If you introduce them in your breakfast, they can prove quite a healthy meal for you.
- Salmon- The fish is often recommended and has been proved beneficial to keep your heart healthy, having lots of omega-3 fatty acids with a property of anti clotting effects. It helps to keep your blood flow without an interruption.
- Walnuts- Introducing 5 ounces of nuts each day can help you with a risk of heart disease.
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