Monday, 2 May 2016

Importance of Fitness

Fitness- Do you know what the term "fitness" actually entails? Well, it can be explained in a variety of ways. As per the data collected by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, physical fitness contribute to attributes that help people to perform physical activity. 


A person is deemed fit if he or she is able to lead a life to its fullest potential. Both physical and mental fitness is equally responsible for maintaining an overall well being of a person.

What are the primary components of fitness?

There are at least 4 vital components necessary to include in your life for an improved physical life. Have a look at some of them:
  • Cardio-respiratory endurance - It’s known as a person’s ability to take oxygen (respire) to deliver it to the concerned cells (circulation) and finally use it for creating energy at cellular levels (bio energetic). It's crucial to perform physical activities. Cardiovascular capacity also relates to the aerobic capacity, as long as we discuss its role in fitness. This kind of capacity also relates to the physical or aerobic endurance (length), aerobic capacity / strength (hardness) and power (speed). If you look at some of the most vital and long term cardio respiratory adaptations, you would come up to find a bunch of them like an improved endurance, decreased risk of cardiovascular disease and resting heart rates.

  • Flexibility- It relates to your joints while performing a range of movements to make you flexible. Each joint is capable of performing different kinds of flexibility like improved motion and posture.
  • Body & physique- It relates to ascertain the amount of fitness that a person achieves. It basically relates to the right balance / proportion of body fat free mass (bones, muscles, fluids and organs) to the overall fat mass (deposition of adipose tissues around organs and under the skin).
body and physique
  • Muscular endurance- It relates to the muscular capability or endurance and simply means you to be able to apply force over a longer duration of time or also to complete a number of repeated muscle contractions.
muscle power
  • Body Fat Composition- It refers to the percentage of body fat on your body. For example, a person of 100 pounds with a body fat composition of 25% is most likely get a lean body mass up to 75 pounds.


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